Online Classes

Parenting Course

The State of Florida mandates that couples who are separating, or divorcing, who have minor children take the "Parent Education and Stabilization" course and file the Certificate of Completion with the Clerk of the Court.  This provider is DCF approved, can be done completely online, and is the cheapest provider we could find. 

Driving Course

Florida Basic Driver Improvement, also known as Traffic School or Defensive Driving, is a 4 hour course which motorists can take when issued a traffic citation, when required by the courts, or to get an insurance discount (at the discretion of the insurance company). 

State vs. Federal Court

If it has been a while since you were last in a civics class, don't worry.  This short, animated, video walks you through how the Court System is set up and helps to clarify what the difference is between State and Federal Courts.